Research in Mt. Juliet TN

Our Mt. Juliet TN chiropractic clinic offers these links to chiropractic research sources and links to better inform you about the care we provide. Contact us today to learn more and to schedule your appointment.
Research Articles in Mt. Juliet TN
Stone-McCoy PA, Przybysz L. Chiropractic Management of a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study. J Pediatr, Maternal & Family Health, March 1, 2009:1-8.
Moustafa IM, Diab AAM, Harrison DE. Does Forward Head Posture Influence Somatosensory Evoked Potentials and Somatosensory Processing in Asymptomatic Young Adults? Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(9):3217.
Moustafa IM, Youssef A, Ahbouch A, Tamim M, Harrison DE. Is forward head posture relevant to autonomic nervous system function and cervical sensorimotor control? Cross sectional study. Gait and Posture 2020; 77: 29-35.
Moustafa, I.M., Diab, A.A., Hegazy, F. et al. Demonstration of central conduction time and neuroplastic changes after cervical lordosis rehabilitation in asymptomatic subjects: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Sci Rep 11, 15379 (2021).
Haavik-Taylor H, Murphy B. Cervical spine manipulation alters sensorimotor integration: a somatosensory evoked potential study. Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 Feb;118(2):391-402. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2006.09.014. Epub 2006 Nov 29. PMID: 17137836.
Lelic D, Niazi IK, Holt K, Jochumsen M, Dremstrup K, Yielder P, Murphy B, Drewes AM, Haavik H. Manipulation of Dysfunctional Spinal Joints Affects Sensorimotor Integration in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Brain Source Localization Study. Neural Plast. 2016;2016:3704964. doi: 10.1155/2016/3704964. Epub 2016 Mar 7. PMID: 27047694; PMCID: PMC4800094.
- Hubbard TA, Kane JD. Chiropractic Management of Essential Tremor and Migraine: A Case Report. J Chiropr Med, 2012; 11:121-6.
- Lelic D, Niazi IK, Holt K, Jochumsen M, Dremstrup K, Yielder P, Murphy B, Drewes AM, Haavik H. Manipulation of Dysfunctional Spinal Joints Affects Sensorimotor Integration in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Brain Source Localization Study. Neural Plast. 2016;2016:3704964. doi: 10.1155/2016/3704964. Epub 2016 Mar 7. PMID: 27047694; PMCID: PMC4800094.
- Killinger LZ. Chiropractic Care in the Treatment of Asthma. Palmer J Res, 1995; 2(3):74-7.
- Peet JB, Marko SK, Piekarczyk W. Chiropractic Response in the Pediatric Patient with Asthma: A Pilot Study. Chiro Pediatrics, 1995; 1(4):9-13.
- Peet JB. Case Study: Eight Year Old Female with Chronic Asthma. Chiropr Pediatrics, 1997; 3(2):9-12.
- Tamim M, Moustafa IM, Alaparthi GK, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Translational and Rotational Postural Aberrations Are Related to Pulmonary Functions and Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components in Collegiate Athletes. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(14):4618.
- Mitchell JR, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Nonsurgical correction of straight back syndrome (thoracic hypokyphosis), increased lung capacity and resolution of exertional dyspnea by thoracic hyperkyphosis mirror image® traction: A CBP® case report. J Phys Ther Sci 2017; 29(11):2058-2061.
- Aguilar AL, Grostic JD, Pfleger B. Chiropractic Care and Behavior in Autistic Children. J Clin Chiropr Pediatr, 2000; 5(1):293-304.
- Moustafa, I.M., Diab, A.A., Hegazy, F. et al. Demonstration of central conduction time and neuroplastic changes after cervical lordosis rehabilitation in asymptomatic subjects: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Sci Rep 11, 15379 (2021).
- Haavik-Taylor H, Murphy B. Cervical spine manipulation alters sensorimotor integration: a somatosensory evoked potential study. Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 Feb;118(2):391-402. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2006.09.014. Epub 2006 Nov 29. PMID: 17137836.
- Lelic D, Niazi IK, Holt K, Jochumsen M, Dremstrup K, Yielder P, Murphy B, Drewes AM, Haavik H. Manipulation of Dysfunctional Spinal Joints Affects Sensorimotor Integration in the Prefrontal Cortex: A Brain Source Localization Study. Neural Plast. 2016;2016:3704964. doi: 10.1155/2016/3704964. Epub 2016 Mar 7. PMID: 27047694; PMCID: PMC4800094.
- Jesse Cleave BChiro, Joel Alcantara DC, Kelly Holt BSc(Chiro), PGDipHSc
- Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2011 ~ Issue 4 ~ Pages 125-13
- Goodman R. Hypertension and The Atlas Subluxation Complex. J Chiropr Res Clin Investigation, 1992; 8(2):30-2.
- Sweat R. Correction of Multiple Herniated Lumbar Disc by Chiropractic Intervention. J Chiropr Case Reports, 1993; 1(1):14-7.
- Hoiriis KT, Pfleger B, McDuffie FC, Alattar M, Owens EF. Design and Implementation of a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial of Chiropractic Care Versus Drug Therapy for Sub-Acute Low Back Pain. Chiropr Res J, 1997; 4(2):50-63.
- Hoiriis KT, et al. A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Chiropractic Adjustments to Muscle Relaxants for Subacute Low Back Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2004; 27(6):388-98.
- Rectenwald R. A Case Study of Back Pain and Renal Cell Carcinoma. J Chiropr Med, 2008; 7(1):24-7.
Wang FS, Yang KD, Chen RF, Wang CJ, Sheen-Chen SM. Extracorporeal shock wave promotes growth and differentiation of bone-marrow stromal cells towards osteoprogenitors associated with induction of TGF-beta1. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2002 Apr;84(3):457-61. doi: 10.1302/0301-620x.84b3.11609. PMID: 12002511.
- Goodman R. Hypertension and The Atlas Subluxation Complex. J Chiropr Res Clin Investigation, 1992; 8(2):30-2.
- Bakris G, et al. Atlas Vertebra Realignment and Achievement of Arterial Pressure Goal in Hypertensive Patients: A Pilot Study. J Hum Hypertens, 2007; 21(5):347-52.
- Bakris G, et al. Atlas Vertebra Realignment and Achievement of Arterial Pressure Goal in Hypertensive Patients: A Pilot Study. J Vertebral Subluxation Res, Oct. 29, 2007:1-9.
- Burcon MT. Resolution of Trigeminal Neuralgia Following Chiropractic Care to Reduce Cervical Spine Vertebral Subluxations: A Case Study. J Vertebral Subluxation Res, October 26, 2009:1-7.
- Shreeve MW, LaRose JR. Chiropractic Care of a Patient with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and Arrhythmia. J Chiropr Med, 2011; 10(2):130-4.
- Hart J. Reduction of Resting Pulse Rate Following Chiropractic Adjustment of Atlas Subluxation. Annals Vertebral Subluxation Res, March 3, 2014:16-21.
- Chu ECP, Leung KY, Ng LLW, et al.: Vascular thoracic outlet syndrome: A case report. J Contemp Chiropr, 2021, 4: 142-145.
- Katz EA, Katz SB, Fedorchuk CA, Lightstone DF, Banach CJ, Podoll JD. Increase in cerebral blood flow indicated by increased cerebral arterial area and pixel intensity on brain magnetic resonance angiogram following correction of cervical lordosis. Brain Circ. 2019 Jan-Mar;5(1):19-26.
- McAlpine JE. Subluxation Induced Cervical Myelopathy: A Pilot Study. Chiropr Res J, 1991; 2(1):7-22.
- Dobson GJ. Structural Changes in the Cervical Spine Following Spinal Adjustments in a Patient with Os Odontoideum: A Case Report. J Vertebral Subluxation Res, 1996; 1(1):37-40.
- Kessinger RC, Boneva DV. Case Study: Acceleration/Deceleration Injury with Angular Kyphosis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2000; 23(4):279-87.
- Hubbard TA, Kane JD. Chiropractic Management of Essential Tremor and Migraine: A Case Report. J Chiropr Med, 2012; 11:121-6.
- Oakley P, Harrison D. Restoration of Pediatric Cervical Lordosis: A Review of the Efficacy of Chiropractic Techniques and their Methods. J Pediatr, Maternal & Family Health, September 21, 2015:112-6.
- Moustafa IM, Diab AA, Harrison DE. The Efficacy of Cervical Lordosis Rehabilitation for Nerve Root Function and Pain in Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy: A Randomized Trial with 2-Year Follow-Up. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(21):6515.
- Licata F, Miller M. The Treatment of Herniated Nucleus Pulposus in the Cervical Spine Using Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique. Conference Proceedings of the Chiropractic Centennial Foundation, July 1995
- Moustafa IM, Diab AA, Taha S, Harrison DE. Addition of a Sagittal Cervical Posture Corrective Orthotic Device to a Multimodal Rehabilitation Program Improves Short- and Long-Term Outcomes in Patients with Discogenic Cervical Radiculopathy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2016, 97: 2034-2044.
Arick CT. Chiropractic Management of a Patient With Chronic Fatigue: A Case Report. J Chiropr Med. 2016 Dec;15(4):314-320. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2016.08.006. Epub 2016 Oct 18. PMID: 27857641; PMCID: PMC5106444.
- Marko SK. Case Study-The Effect of Chiropractic Care on an Infant with Problems of Constipation. Chiropr Pediatrics, 1994; 1(3):23-4.
- Killinger LZ, Azad A. Chiropractic Care of Infantile Colic: A Case Study. J Clin Chiropr Pediatrics, 1998; 3(1):203-6.
- Hoiriis KT, et al. A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Chiropractic Adjustments to Muscle Relaxants for Subacute Low Back Pain. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2004; 27(6):388-98.
- Hubbard TA, Kane JD. Chiropractic Management of Essential Tremor and Migraine: A Case Report. J Chiropr Med, 2012; 11:121-6.
- Peet JB. Case Study: Chiropractic Results with a Child with Reoccurring Otitis Media Accompanied by Effusion. Chiropr Pediatrics, 1996; 2(2):8-10.
- Kessinger RC, Boneva DV. Vertigo, Tinnitus, and Hearing Loss in the Geriatric Patient. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2000; 23(5):352-62.
- Cowin R, Bryner P. Hearing Loss, Otalgia and Neck Pain: A Case Report on Long-Term Chiropractic Care that Helped to Improve Quality of Life. Chiropr J Aust, 2002; 32(4):119-30.
- Grostic J, Glick D, Burke E, Sheres B. Chiropractic Adjustment Reversal of Neurological Insult. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spinal Manipulation, May 1992.
- Glick D, Lee F, Grostic J. Documenting the Efficacy of Chiropractic Care Utilizing Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SEP) Testing: Post Spinal Adjustment Changes in SEP’s Duplicating Those Observed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spinal Manipulation, 1993.
- Collins KF, Pfleger B. The Neurophysiological Evaluation of the Subluxation Complex: Documenting the Neurological Component with Somatosensory Evoked Potentials. Chiropr Res J, 1994; 3(1):40-8.
- Collins, KF. Utilization of Somato-Sensory Evoked Potentials in Subluxation Based Chiropractic Research. 6th Annual National Subluxation Conference, Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, Atlantic City, NJ, October 10-11, 1998.
- Glick DM. Conservative Chiropractic Care of Cervicobrachialgia: A Case Study. Chiropr Res J, 1989; 1(3):49-52.
- Feeley KM. Conservative Chiropractic Care of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome: A Case Study. Chiropr Res J, 1992; 2(2):31-7.
- Kirby SL. A Case Study: The Effects of Chiropractic On Multiple Sclerosis. Chiropr Res J, 1994; 3(1):7-12.
- Killinger LZ, Azad A. Multiple Sclerosis Patients Under Chiropractic Care: A Retrospective Study. Palmer J Res, 1997; 2(4):96-100.
- Bowler B, Conlen K. Retracing: A Case Study of How Early Life Dis-ease Becomes Complex Adult Health Issues. 8th Annual International Research and Philosophy Symposium, Sherman College of Chiropractic Spartanburg, South Carolina, October 22-23, 2011.
- Moustafa IM, Diab AA, Harrison DE. The Efficacy of Cervical Lordosis Rehabilitation for Nerve Root Function and Pain in Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy: A Randomized Trial with 2-Year Follow-Up. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(21):6515.
- Breton PY, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Complete resolution of carpal tunnel syndrome after relieving the ‘first crush’ in ‘double crush syndrome’ by improving the cervical spine posture: A CBP® case report. J Contemp Chiropr. 2019; 2:49-53.
- Lauche R, Cramer H, Häuser W, Dobos G, Langhorst J. A Systematic Overview of Reviews for Complementary and Alternative Therapies in the Treatment of the Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015;2015:610615. doi: 10.1155/2015/610615. Epub 2015 Jul 13. PMID: 26246841; PMCID: PMC4515506.
- Castro-Sánchez AM, Aguilar-Ferrándiz ME, Matarán-Peñarrocha GA, Sánchez-Joya Mdel M, Arroyo-Morales M, Fernández-de-las-Peñas C. Short-term effects of a manual therapy protocol on pain, physical function, quality of sleep, depressive symptoms, and pressure sensitivity in women and men with fibromyalgia syndrome: a randomized controlled trial. Clin J Pain. 2014 Jul;30(7):589-97. doi: 10.1097/AJP.6155839788000008. PMID: 24281285.
- Terhorst L, Schneider MJ, Kim KH, Goozdich LM, Stilley CS. Complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2011 Sep;34(7):483-96. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.05.006. Epub 2011 Jun 24. PMID: 21875523.
- Schneider M, Vernon H, Ko G, Lawson G, Perera J. Chiropractic management of fibromyalgia syndrome: a systematic review of the literature. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009 Jan;32(1):25-40. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2008.08.012. PMID: 19121462.
Peet JB. Case Study: Three Year Old Female with Acute Stomach Problems. Chiropr Pediatrics, 1997; 3(1):10-1.
- Goodman R. Hypertension and The Atlas Subluxation Complex. J Chiropr Res Clin Investigation, 1992; 8(2):30-2.
- Killinger LZ. Chiropractic Treatment of Cervicogenic Headaches: A Brief Report. Palmer J Res, 1994; 1(2):48-50.
- Knutson GA, Jacob M. Possible Manifestation of Temporo-Mandibular Dysfunction on Chiropractic Cervical X-ray Studies. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 1999; 22(1):32-7.
- Elster EL. Treatment of Bipolar, Seizure, and Sleep Disorders and Migraine Headaches Utilizing a Chiropractic Technique. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2004; 27(3):E5.
- Carleton J, et al. Resolution of Cervical Complications Secondary to Motor Vehicle Accidents by the Application of Stereotactic Cervical Alignment (SCALE) Methods: Statistical Review of 54 Patients. J Whiplash Rel Dis, 2006; 5(1):15-24.
- Rosa S, Freeman MD, Harshfield D. Restoration of Normal Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow in 2 Cases of Confirmed Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia with Long-Term Headaches, Following Use of the Atlas Orthogonal Instrumented Manipulation Technique. J Rehab Med, 2011; Suppl 50:14.
- Hubbard TA, Kane JD. Chiropractic Management of Essential Tremor and Migraine: A Case Report. J Chiropr Med, 2012; 11:121-6.
- Sweat R, Pottenger T. Seizure, Ataxia, Fatigue, Strabismus and Migraine Resolved by Precise Realignment of the First Cervical Vertebra: A Case Report. J Upper Cervical Chiropr Res, March 12, 2012:20-6.
- Woodfield HC, Hasick DG, Becker WJ, Rose MS, Scott JN. Effect of Atlas Vertebrae Realignment in Subjects with Migraine: An Observational Pilot Study. BioMed Research International, Volume 2015, Article ID 630472:1-18.
- Norton TC, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Improving the Cervical Lordosis relieves neck pain and chronic headaches in a pediatric: A CBP® case report with a 1.5-year follow-up. J Phys Ther Sci. 2022 Jan;34(1):71-75.
- Fortner MO, Woodham TJ, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Is the cervical lordosis a key biomechanical biomarker in cervicogenic headache? A CBP® case report with follow-up. J Phys Sci Ther. 2022 Feb;34(2):167-171.
- Woodham TJ, Fortner MO, Oakley PA, Haas JW, Harrison DE. Is too much cervical lordosis a bad thing? Eliminating chronic migraines in a pediatric patient with cervical hyperlordosis using Chiropractic BioPhysics® Technique with a 1-year follow-up. J Phys Sci Ther.
- Woodham TJ, Haas JW, Oakley PA, Fortner MO, Harrison DE. Improvement in posture, pain and patient reported outcome measures using Chiropractic BioPhysics® CBP® a series of two patients suffering from Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine and cervical spine misalignment following previously failed treatment. J Phys Sci Ther.
- Peet JB. Adjusting the Febrile Pediatric Patient. Chiropr Pediatrics, 1996; 2(3):11-2.
- Jenson CD, Lee G. Remission of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Patient Under Chiropractic Care: A Case Report. J Vertebral Subluxation Res, 1998; 2(3):125-30.
- Fortner MO, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Alleviation of posttraumatic dizziness by restoration of the cervical lordosis: A CBP® case study. J Phys Ther Sci 2018; 30(5):730-733.
- Gerstin GP, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. The treatment of dizziness by improving cervical lordosis: A CBP® case report. J Phys Ther Sci 2020; 32(12):864-868.
- Chu EC, Zoubi FA, Yang J: Cervicogenic Dizziness Associated With Craniocervical Instability: A Case Report. J Med Cases, 2021, 12: 451-454.
- Kessinger RC, Boneva DV. Case Study: Acceleration/Deceleration Injury with Angular Kyphosis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2000; 23(4):279-87.
- Elster EL. Treatment of Bipolar, Seizure, and Sleep Disorders and Migraine Headaches Utilizing a Chiropractic Technique. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2004; 27(3):E5.
- Kirby SL. A Case Study: The Effects of Chiropractic On Multiple Sclerosis. Chiropr Res J, 1994; 3(1):7-12.
- Killinger LZ, Azad A. Multiple Sclerosis Patients Under Chiropractic Care: A Retrospective Study. Palmer J Res, 1997; 2(4):96-100.
- Youssef ASA, Moustafa IM, El Melhat AM, Huang X, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Randomized Feasibility Pilot Trial of Adding a New Three-Dimensional Adjustable Posture-Corrective Orthotic to a Multi-Modal Program for the Treatment of Nonspecific Neck Pain. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(23):7028.
- Glick DM. Conservative Chiropractic Care of Cervicobrachialgia: A Case Study. Chiropr Res J, 1989; 1(3):49-52.
- Feeley KM. Conservative Chiropractic Care of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome: A Case Study. Chiropr Res J, 1992; 2(2):31-7.
- Killinger LZ. Chiropractic Treatment of Cervicogenic Headaches: A Brief Report. Palmer J Res, 1994; 1(2):48-50.
- Killinger LZ. Torticollis: A Chiropractic Case Study. Palmer J Res, 1995; 2(2):23-6.
- Knutson GA. Chiropractic Correction of Atlantoaxial Rotatory Fixation. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 1996; 19(4):268-72.
- Kessinger RC, Boneva DV. Case Study: Acceleration/Deceleration Injury with Angular Kyphosis. J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2000; 23(4):279-87.
- Sweat RW, Sweat MH. Improved Cervical Function with Atlas Orthogonal Adjustments: A Pilot Study in Preparation for a Federal Research Proposal. 9th Annual Vertebral Subluxation Research Conference, Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, Spartanburg, SC, October 13-14, 2001
- Cowin R, Bryner P. Hearing Loss, Otalgia and Neck Pain: A Case Report on Long-Term Chiropractic Care that Helped to Improve Quality of Life. Chiropr J Aust, 2002; 32(4):119-30.
- Carleton J, et al. Resolution of Cervical Complications Secondary to Motor Vehicle Accidents by the Application of Stereotactic Cervical Alignment (SCALE) Methods: Statistical Review of 54 Patients. J Whiplash Rel Dis, 2006; 5(1):15-24.
- Mageed SMIA, Abutaleb EEM, Soliman AME, Labib AM. Impact of cervical lordosis rehabilitation on disability and pain in non-specific neck pain. J Medical Sciences 2018; 18(1):20-26.
- Moustafa IM, Diab AA, Harrison DE. The Efficacy of Cervical Lordosis Rehabilitation for Nerve Root Function and Pain in Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy: A Randomized Trial with 2-Year Follow-Up. J Clin Med. 2022;11:6515.
- Strauss S, Lightstone D, Fedorchuk C, Pomahac R, Oakley P, Harrison D. Post-Concussion Syndrome and Concussion Frequency Improvements in a Professional Rugger Following Cervical Spine and Posture Corrections with a 6-Year Follow-up. Concussion 2023;May 4:1-11.
- Liu YL, Gong SY, Xia ST, Wang YL, Peng H, Shen Y, Liu CF. Light therapy: a new option for neurodegenerative diseases. Chin Med J (Engl). 2020 Dec 21;134(6):634-645. doi: 10.1097/CM9.6155839788001301. PMID: 33507006; PMCID: PMC7990011.
- Onifer SM, Sozio RS, DiCarlo DM, Li Q, Donahue RR, Taylor BK, Long CR. Spinal manipulative therapy reduces peripheral neuropathic pain in the rat. Neuroreport. 2018 Feb 7;29(3):191-196. doi: 10.1097/WNR.6155839788000949. PMID: 29381653; PMCID: PMC6363337.
- Yeh KH, Sheu JJ, Lin YC, Sun CK, Chang LT, Kao YH, Yen CH, Shao PL, Tsai TH, Chen YL, Chua S, Leu S, Yip HK. Benefit of combined extracorporeal shock wave and bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells in protection against critical limb ischemia in rats. Crit Care Med. 2012 Jan;40(1):169-77. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e31822d74d0. PMID: 21926605.
- Suhr F, Delhasse Y, Bungartz G, Schmidt A, Pfannkuche K, Bloch W. Cell biological effects of mechanical stimulations generated by focused extracorporeal shock wave applications on cultured human bone marrow stromal cells. Stem Cell Res. 2013 Sep;11(2):951-64. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2013.05.010. Epub 2013 May 29. PMID: 23880536.
- Holfeld J, Tepeköylü C, Reissig C, Lobenwein D, Scheller B, Kirchmair E, Kozaryn R, Albrecht-Schgoer K, Krapf C, Zins K, Urbschat A, Zacharowski K, Grimm M, Kirchmair R, Paulus P. Toll-like receptor 3 signalling mediates angiogenic response upon shock wave treatment of ischaemic muscle. Cardiovasc Res. 2016 Feb 1;109(2):331-43. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvv272. Epub 2015 Dec 16. PMID: 26676850.
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- Tenforde AS, Borgstrom HE, DeLuca S, McCormack M, Singh M, Hoo JS, Yun PH. Best practices for extracorporeal shockwave therapy in musculoskeletal medicine: Clinical application and training consideration. PM R. 2022 May;14(5):611-619. doi: 10.1002/pmrj.12790. Epub 2022 Apr 14. PMID: 35187851; PMCID: PMC9321712.
- Mittermayr R, Hartinger J, Antonic V, Meinl A, Pfeifer S, Stojadinovic A, Schaden W, Redl H. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) minimizes ischemic tissue necrosis irrespective of application time and promotes tissue revascularization by stimulating angiogenesis. Ann Surg. 2011 May;253(5):1024-32. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e3182121d6e. PMID: 21372687.
- Anderson JM, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Improving Posture to Reduce the Symptoms of Parkinson’s: A CBP® Case Report. J Phys Ther Sci 2019; 31(2):153-158.
- Chu EC, Chen AT, Chiang R. Chiropractic care of Parkinson's disease and deformity. J Med Life. 2022 May;15(5):717-722. doi: 10.25122/jml-2021-0418. PMID: 35815091; PMCID: PMC9262267.
- Bova J, Sergent A. Chiropractic management of an 81-year-old man with Parkinson disease signs and symptoms. J Chiropr Med. 2014 Jun;13(2):116-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2014.06.002. PMID: 25685120; PMCID: PMC4322011.
- Chu ECP, Wong AYL, Lee LYK. Chiropractic care for low back pain, gait and posture in a patient with Parkinson's disease: a case report and brief review. AME Case Rep. 2021 Oct 25;5:34. doi: 10.21037/acr-21-27. PMID: 34805753; PMCID: PMC8572672.
Alcantara J, Whetten A, Alcantara J. Comparison of child report and parent-proxy report using PROMIS-25 in the chiropractic care for children. Complement Ther Med. 2020 Aug;52:102406. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2020.102406. Epub 2020 Apr 29. PMID: 32951699.
Alcantara J, Ohm J, Kunz D. The safety and effectiveness of pediatric chiropractic: a survey of chiropractors and parents in a practice-based research network. Explore (NY). 2009 Sep-Oct;5(5):290-5. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2009.06.002. PMID: 19733815.
- Kamel M, Moustafa IM, Kim M, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Alterations in Cervical Nerve Root Function during Different Sitting Positions in Adults with and without Forward Head Posture: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(5):1780.
- Suwaidi ASA, Moustafa IM, Kim M, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. A Comparison of Two Forward Head Posture Corrective Approaches in Elderly with Chronic Non-Specific Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(2):542.
- Ahbouch A, Moustafa IM, Shousha T, Arumugam A, Oakley P, Harrison DE. An Investigation of the Association between 3D Spinal Alignment and Fibromyalgia. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(1):218.
- Youssef ASA, Moustafa IM, El Melhat AM, Huang X, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Randomized Feasibility Pilot Trial of Adding a New Three-Dimensional Adjustable Posture-Corrective Orthotic to a Multi-Modal Program for the Treatment of Nonspecific Neck Pain. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2022; 11(23):7028.
- Harrison DE, Harrison DD, Betz J, Colloca CJ, Janik TJ, Holland B. Increasing the Cervical Lordosis with Seated Combined Extension-Compression and Transverse Load Cervical Traction with Cervical Manipulation: Non-randomized Clinical Control Trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2003; 26(3): 139-151.
- Harrison DE, Harrison DD, Haas JW, Betz JW, Janik TJ, Holland B. Conservative Methods to Correct Lateral Translations of the Head: A Non-randomized Clinical Control Trial. J Rehab Res Devel. 2004;41(4):631-640.
- Tamim M, Moustafa IM, Alaparthi GK, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Translational and Rotational Postural Aberrations Are Related to Pulmonary Functions and Skill-Related Physical Fitness Components in Collegiate Athletes. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(14):4618.
- Mitchell JR, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Nonsurgical correction of straight back syndrome (thoracic hypokyphosis), increased lung capacity and resolution of exertional dyspnea by thoracic hyperkyphosis mirror image® traction: A CBP® case report. J Phys Ther Sci 2017; 29(11):2058-2061.
- Haas JW, Woodham TJ, Fortner MO, Oakley PA, Harrison DE. Improved coronal and sagittal spine alignment, lumbar lordosis, and health related quality of life measures using Chiropractic BioPhysics® in a case series of three chronic low back pain and radiculopathy patients with long-term follow-up. J Phys Sci Ther.
- Fedorchuk C, Lightstone DF, McCoy M, Harrison DE. Increased telomere length and improvements in dysautonomia, quality of life, and neck and back pain following correction of sagittal cervical alignment using Chiropractic BioPhysics® technique: a case study. J Mol Genet Med 2017;11(2):1-5.
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